Different forum terms

From The Powder Toy
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In Powder Toy, and indeed many other forums, there are special terms and "equations" that perform different tasks.

What we mean when we say...

When we need to say something in forum lingo, this is what it means:

Forum Terms
TPT The Powder Toy
Save ID Your save ID, the number at the end of a save's URL
Flame Useless arguing or cussing on a thread
Spam Posting useless pics or comments
WATR, DMND, ect. These are abbreviations of elements in Powder Toy.
Thread Starts a topic
Topic Something to talk on while on the forum. I.E. the actual page you can type on.
Mod Modifications done to Powder Toy by other users*
Mod a moderator, someone who keeps the forums safe*
Necro Posting on a thread older than a week without posting something constructive or that helps someone.

*This has two meanings depending on the way you use it. If someone says "I used that mod" then it's obviously definition #1. If someone says "Mods are unfair" then it's definition #2.


In forums, certain characters can be put together into patterns that cause certain things to happen, such as an image appearing or a save ready for download.

HTML and BBcode

The website runs with HTML, like a normal website. And so,if you Google "HTML" it will appear with hundreds of combinations such as



The former makes the text Bold, the latter, Italic.

BBcode, a variant of HTML, was originally used on the webpage but cannot be used now (recently removed support). BBcode consists of:



With, again, the former Bold, the latter Italic.


Powder Toy has special "equations" too. For example, placing "~" followed by a save ID (see above table) will allow you to place your save ready to download from that page.

In a save, placing the symbols:


Will create a link to the save.

Powder Toy used to have emoticons, however when the forums switched they were taken away, but there are still uploaded. You can find emoticons in old threads, get these URL and use it in <img src"(URL of image here)" />