
From The Powder Toy
Revision as of 16:50, 12 December 2012 by jacob1 (talk | contribs) (add a list of all the functions in my mod. TODO: they don't all actually display a message box, also maybe move this to a new page)
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You may open the Lua Console by hitting the [`] key. (Also known as the tilde [~] key, or the [¬] key) click here to view key


!set type dust metl

The equivalent command in TPT's Lua is tpt.set_property("type", "metl", "dust") (see lua#tpt.set_property )

But, try to learn the Lua interface. It may be a lot more useful to you than you think. This wiki does not teach you the Lua language. This is simply an API. But, you may research Lua on your own. If your a beginner, look at this: , for a list of all the functions, see here:

The new Lua Console now provides the ability to create scripts using Lua, a very simple scripting language.

With the ability to script with Lua, users are now able to create simple modifications to the game without editing source code easily.

This tutorial shows how to run a script


Variable Types

The different variable types are:

  • 'string'

Represents a word, character, or phrase. 'string' variables must begin and end with double-quotes. (")

Example: local str = "This is a string variable."

  • 'number'

Represents a number. Numbers may be floating-point or fixed-point types (meaning they may have decimals [floating-point] or may be numbers with no fraction [fixed-point].)

Example: local num = 1234

  • 'boolean'

Represents a switch that is either on (true) or off (false).

Example: local bool = true

  • 'function'

Represents a method or function in lua.

Example: function func(arguments)

NOTE: Functions that use a 'function' as an argument do not include the () at the end. Only the name must be given.

  • 'table'

Tables are a group of variables. Tables can also act as an array. Tables can carry any type of variables, and can even mix different types of variables.

Example: local tbl = {}

This creates a blank table.

Example: local tbl = {1, 2, 3, "string"}

Creates a table with the elements 1, 2, 3 and "string".

You can call these variables in this manner:

 tbl[1] --returns 1
 tbl[2] --returns 2
 tbl[3] --returns 3
 tbl[4] --returns "string"


 local tbl = {}
 tbl.x = 7
 tbl.y = 5
 tbl.str = "this is a string"
 tbl.sqr = function(v) return v * v end

Creates a table with the variables x, y, str, and the function sqr.

You can call these variables in this manner:

 tbl.x --returns 7
 tbl.y --returns 5
 tbl.str --returns "this is a string"
 tbl.sqr(2) --returns 4 (remember this is a function that takes 'v' and squares it. )

  • 'object'

Acts as a wildcard. It can be represented as any of the above, but this does not mean it can be any type, it depends on the function.

General Arguments

The arguments given here are general, here are some examples:

'string property

This is to specify what property of a particle to change. REMINDER: This is a 'string' variable, meaning it is a word that must begin and end with double-quotes. (") The different available properties are:


Any other given strings will result with an invalid property error.

'object value

What you are setting the current property to. Since this is an object variable, it's type will depend on the function.

'string type

A 'string' which is the code-name of an element "dust" "watr" "spng".

'number index

A specific particle number by it's index.

'number state

0 or 1, 0 for off, 1 for on.

'number Width and 'number Height

Represent a rectangle.

'number x and 'number y

Represents a 2-Dimensional coordinate.

'string text

Represents text

'number toggle

Represents either 1 for on or 0 for off

'number menu

Represents a menu, eg 1 = Walls, 2 = Electronics

'number display

Represents a display mode, eg 4 = Fire, 6 = Heat


The Powder Toy exposes the following methods to the Lua API:



  • Set the paused state of the game

tpt.set_pause(number state)


  • Set the visibility state of the console

This function is not implemented in tpt++ yet

tpt.set_console(number state)


Set whether keyboard shortcuts are enabled This is depreciated in tpt++, return false from a key event to do the same thing

tpt.set_shortcuts(number state)


Sets values on the gravity map, 3 overloads

tpt.set_gravity(number x, number y)

tpt.set_gravity(number x, number y, number width, number height)

tpt.set_gravity(number x, number y, number width, number height, number value)


Resets regions on the gravity velocity map, 2 overloads

tpt.reset_gravity_field(number x, number y)

tpt.reset_gravity_field(number x, number y, number width, number height)


Sets values on the pressure map, 3 overloads

tpt.set_pressure(number x, number y)

tpt.set_pressure(number x, number y, number width, number height)

tpt.set_pressure(number x, number y, number width, number height, number value)


Resets regions on the velocity map, 2 overloads

tpt.reset_velocity(number x, number y)

tpt.reset_velocity(number x, number y, number width, number height)


Toggles HUD State This is not implemented in tpt++ yet.

tpt.hud(number toggle)


Toggles Newtonian Gravity State

tpt.newtonian_gravity(number toggle)


Toggles Ambient Heat State

tpt.ambient_heat(number toggle)


Toggles visibility of decorations

tpt.decorations_enable(number toggle)


Toggles Heat Simulation State

tpt.heat(number toggle)


Changes activated menu

tpt.active_menu(number menu)


Changes activated display mode This is depreciated in tpt++, and won't work.

tpt.display_mode(number display)


Changes the maximum FPS.

tpt.setfpscap(number fpscap)


Changes the strength of the games glowing effects. tpt.setfire(1) is default.

tpt.setfire(number strength)


Changes the window settings. Scale is either 1 or 2. Scale defaults to 1, fullscreen defaults to off. Returns a number, 1 indicates success.

tpt.setwindowsize(number scale, toggle fullscreen)



Removes electrified wires from the simulation, resetting to the original material



Set various properties of particles for given criteria, 8 overloads

tpt.set_property(string property, object value)

tpt.set_property(string property, object value, string type)

tpt.set_property(string property, object value, number index)

tpt.set_property(string property, object value, number index, string type)

tpt.set_property(string property, object value, number x, number y)

tpt.set_property(string property, object value, number x, number y, string type)

tpt.set_property(string property, object value, number x, number y, number width, number height)

tpt.set_property(string property, object value, number x, number y, number width, number height, string type)

object tpt.get_property

Get various properties of a particle. Returns an object

tpt.get_property(string property, number index)

tpt.get_property(string property, number x, number y)


Create a particle at location.

tpt.create(number x, number y, string type)

Returns the index of the newly created particle.


Delete a specific particle, or location.

tpt.delete(number index)

tpt.delete(number x, number y)


Start the iterator for receiving all indices of the particles. (Used to help get particle indices, see tpt.next_getPartIndex)


boolean tpt.next_getPartIndex

Jump to the next available particle index. Returns false if the iterator has reached the end of all particle indecies. Returns true if a new index was available. (Used to help get particle indecies, see tpt.getPartIndex)


number tpt.getPartIndex

Get the current index iterator.


index code example:

     while tpt.next_getPartIndex() do
        local index = tpt.getPartIndex()
        if tpt.get_property("ctype",index) == 21 then

number tpt.get_numOfParts

  • Returns the number of particles currently on the screen.



number tpt.textwidth

Measures (in pixels) the width of a given string. Returns a number

tpt.textwidth(string text)


Draw text to the screen (for one frame, only useful in scripts), 3 overloads

tpt.drawtext(number x, number y, string text)

tpt.drawtext(number x, number y, string text, number red, number green, number blue)

tpt.drawtext(number x, number y, string text, number red, number green, number blue, number alpha)


Draws a pixel on the screen (for one frame, only useful in scripts), 3 overloads

tpt.drawpixel(number x, number y)

tpt.drawpixel(number x, number y, number red, number green, number blue)

tpt.drawpixel(number x, number y, number red, number green, number blue, number alpha)


Draws a line on the screen (for one frame, only useful in scripts), 3 overloads. The line starts at point (x1, y1) and ends at point (x2,y2).

tpt.drawpixel(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2)

tpt.drawpixel(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, number red, number green, number blue)

tpt.drawpixel(number x1, number y1, number x2, number y2, number red, number green, number blue, number alpha)


Draws a rectangle on the screen (for one frame, only useful in scripts), 3 overloads

tpt.drawrect(number x, number y, number width, number height)

tpt.drawrect(number x, number y, number width, number height, number red, number green, number blue)

tpt.drawrect(number x, number y, number width, number height, number red, number green, number blue, number alpha)


Draws a filled in rectangle on the screen (for one frame, only useful in scripts), 3 overloads

tpt.fillrect(number x, number y, number width, number height)

tpt.fillrect(number x, number y, number width, number height, number red, number green, number blue)

tpt.fillrect(number x, number y, number width, number height, number red, number green, number blue, number alpha)

Because tpt.fillrect is slightly broken in tpt, the coordinates will be off. It fills the rectangle from (x+1, y+1) to (x+w-1, y+h-1)



Log a message to the console

tpt.log(string text)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)

string tpt.input

Ask the user to input some text. Returns a string of what ever the user says. The argument "text" is pre-entered text (optional).

tpt.input(string title, string message)

tpt.input(string title, string message, string text)



Register a function to be run on every frame You may only have 6 step functions registered at once

tpt.register_step(function func)


Unregister a previously registered function

tpt.unregister_step(function func)


Register a function to be run every time the mouse clicks. You may only have 6 mouseclick functions registered at once

Your function will also be called when the mouse is released or held, or when the mouse wheel is used. Event equals 1 when the mouse gets pressed, 2 when the mouse gets released, and 3 if it is held. If your function returns false, mouse events in the normal Powder Toy will be ignored.

Passes: (number mousex, number mousey, number button, number event)

tpt.register_mouseclick(function func)


Unregister a previously registered function

tpt.unregister_mouseclick(function func)


Register a function to be run every time a key is pressed. You may only have 6 keypress functions registered at once

Your function will also be called when a key is released. Event equals 1 when a key is pressed, and 2 when it gets released. If your function returns false, key presses in the normal Powder Toy will be ignored.

Passes: (string key, number key, number modifier, number event)

tpt.register_keypress(function func)


Unregister a previously registered function

tpt.unregister_keypress(function func)


string tpt.get_name

Get the current username, returns a string



Displays an error message

tpt.throw_error(string text)


Sets the "debug mode". Setting it to 1, or an odd number, will display info on the number of particles on the screen. Setting it to 4 or 5 will display useful information when you draw lines using shift. This function is depreciated in tpt++ (and has no replacement yet)

tpt.setdebug(number mode)


returns an element's number. For example, it would return 28 for dmnd

tpt.element(string elementname)


allows you to replace or add on to an element's update function. Write a function like normal, and then put its name into this command. Use tpt.element("...") or for el_number, and make replace true if you want to overwrite the previous function, or false instead.

Passes: (number index, number partx, number party, number surround_space, number nt)

Returns: return 1 from your function if the particle is killed.

tpt.element_func(function newfunction, number el_number)

tpt.element_func(function newfunction, number el_number, boolean replace)


allows you to replace an element's graphics function. Write a function like normal, and then put its name into this command. Use tpt.el.(name of element to change).id for el_number.

Passes: (number index, number colr, number colg, number colb)

Returns: cache, pixel_mode, cola, colr, colg, colb, firea, firer, fireg, and fireb.

set cache to 1 if you don't want the function to ever be called again, preventing lag. Don't do this if you need the way your element looks to change depending on its properties.

colr/g/b are the red, green, and blue colors of your element. firea/r/g/b set the fire colors, but pixel_mode needs to be set to 0x00022000 for them to work.

tpt.graphics_func(function newfunction, number el_number)

The pixel mode values you can use are:

PMODE_NONE	0x00000000 --prevents anything from being drawn
PMODE_FLAT	0x00000001 --draw a basic pixel, overwriting the color under it. Doesn't support cola.
PMODE_BLOB	0x00000002 --adds a blobby effect, like you were using blob (5) display mode
PMODE_BLUR	0x00000004 --used in liquids in fancy display mode
PMODE_GLOW	0x00000008 --Glow effect, used in elements like DEUT and TRON in fancy display mode
PMODE_SPARK	0x00000010 -- used for things such as GBMB at first, dimmer than other modes
PMODE_FLARE	0x00000020 --BOMB and other similar elements, brighter than PMODE_SPARK
PMODE_LFLARE	0x00000040 --brightest spark mode, used when DEST hits something
PMODE_ADD	0x00000080 --like PMODE_FLAT, but adds color to a pixel, instead of overwriting it.
PMODE_BLEND	0x00000100 --basically the same thing as PMODE_ADD, but has better OpenGL support
PSPEC_STICKMAN	0x00000200 --does nothing, because the stickmen won't get drawn unless it actually is one

NO_DECO		0x00001000 --prevents decoration from showing on the element (used in LCRY)
DECO_FIRE	0x00002000 --Allow decoration to be drawn on using the fire effect (gasses have this set)

FIRE_ADD	0x00010000 --adds a weak fire effect around the element (ex. LAVA/LIGH)
FIRE_BLEND	0x00020000 --adds a stronger fire effect around the element, default for gasses

EFFECT_GRAVIN	0x01000000 --adds a PRTI effect. Might take some coding in an update function to get it to work properly, PRTI uses life and ctype to create the effects
EFFECT_GRAVOUT	0x02000000 --adds a PRTO effect. Might take some coding in an update function to get it to work properly, PRTI uses life and ctype to create the effects

You can combine them in any way you want, you probably need more than one anyway. Radioactive elements default to PMODE_FLAT+PMODE_GLOW, liquids to PMODE_FLAT+PMODE_BLUR, and gasses to FIRE_BLEND+DECO_FIRE, with a firea of 125 and firer/g/b of colr/g/b divided by 2

See this for a picture of what they look like:


Takes a screenshot of the current screen, minus the menu and HUD.


tpt.screenshot(boolean fullscreen)

Mods with Lua Functions

Jacob1's Mod

Press tab to autocomplete any lua function name. This is helpful if you forgot the name of one but at least know how it starts.

Almost all lua functions that set a property, ex. tpt.setfpscap or tpt.set_pressure, also have a get function. Just don't pass in any arguments to the set function to get the value instead, ex. tpt.set_pause() would return whether the game i paused or not. Adding in tons of get functions would be too complicated and long to do, this way is easier. An exception to this is the functions like tpt.get_pressure where I already added in a separate function.

Lua code can also be including inside of saves to be ran on open (if the user click's yes). Click the LUA button in the FAV2 menu, and it will read the file "luacode.txt" and save it. When loading a save, the code is written to "newluacode.txt", and then a prompt comes up asking if you want to run the code. The code is executed in a lua sandbox, so it can't touch any files on your computer or send anything to the internet. At worst, it will exit the game, because os.exit() is allowed.

I plan to add some of the following functions to the official tpt++ version, maybe in their own api's for some though.


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)


Display an OK-Only message box with a title and message.

tpt.message_box(string title, string message)

Me4502's Mod


String Property Additions

  • collision
  • airdrag
  • flammable
  • weight
  • falldown
  • gravity
  • explosive
  • meltable
  • hardness
  • name
  • airloss
  • loss
  • hotair
  • actas

New Functions

These are all in the official version now, except for tpt.set_glow was renamed tpt.set_fire

  • tpt.throw_error(string error)
  • tpt.getscript(string script)
  • tpt.hud(number state)
  • tpt.newtonian_gravity(number state)
  • tpt.ambient_heat(number state)
  • tpt.decorations_enable(number state)
  • tpt.heat(number state)
  • tpt.active_menu(number menu)
  • tpt.display_mode(number display)
  • tpt.set_glow(number fireintensity)

Simple Example Code

  -- This line is a comment. Anything written after the -- is considered a Comment and will not be read by Lua.
  -- Comment can be multiline, for this you should write it in --[[ and ]]--
  -- Set the console's state to 0. This will hide the console.
  -- Here we define our main function for the script
  function ClassicPowder()
     local ox = 125 -- This will be our offset for the different elements we will create.
     local y = 4 -- where on the y (vertical) axis where we will create our elements.
     local x = ox -- where on the x (horizontal) axis where we will create our elements. we will start the x value with what ever ox is above.
     for i=0, 10 do -- this is a for loop. everything between the do and end will loop until i hits 10. i increases by 1 every loop.
        tpt.create(x + i, y, "DUST") --create a dust particle
     x = x + ox -- increase the x axis value by the offset x (ox) value above
     for i=0, 10 do
        tpt.create(x + i, y, "WATR") --create a water particle
     x = x + ox
     for i=0, 10 do
        tpt.create(x + i, y, "SALT")
     x = x + ox
     for i=0, 10 do
        tpt.create(x + i, y, "OIL")
     return false
  -- Register the step function ClassicPowder. This will make the ClassicPowder function run every tick of Powder Toy.