What's the lua command to edit the properties table (maxtemp, mintemp, maxpressure, and minpressure, and the associated output elements for each transition)? I remember there was a way to do that with LUA, but I don't see it in the wiki. Please someone add this info.
how do i run custom tpt scripts?
i have used the dofile"filename.lua" method and the autorun.lua method and even both together but none seem to work am i doing somehting wrong? i have extracted all files from the zip folder and i have version 78.1 please help!
remove signs
i can't get the specific delete to work with signs, is there a lua command that removes them all?
Slightly more complicated than I thought, you can use for i=16,1,-1 do pcall(sim.signs.delete, i) end --jacob1 01:57, 29 March 2018 (BST)