Previously requested elements
DO NOT Add suggestions directly to this wiki page. It is the moderators/developers/administrators who look over suggestions and decide what should and should not be added. And even they will change their minds on occasion (I.E, Mercury)
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You are on the previously requested elements page. Here are suggestions that should not be suggested are placed. If you plan on making a suggestion, read the following first.
Magnetic effects on METL, BMTL ETC\\ >Would require a whole new set of elements to prevent breaking existing sims, and a new layer to go with it.\\ Rejected
A solid heater and cooler element would affect the temperature of particles in contact with it.\\ Coded by triclops\\ Rejected by simon - Use GOL elements (Static GOL cools, Moving GOL heats)
Allows you to glue powders together into solids.\\ Rejected
Movable Solids
Does what it says on the tin.\\ Rejected
Made from OIL, deforms under pressure and melts at high temperature.\\ Coded by AntB\\ Rejected by Simon, breaks OIL
Neutralises acid\\ Rejected
Similar to dan-balls Virus\\ AntB has created X as a similar element
Radio Waves
>Make do with photons\\ Rejected - Use WIFI
Generates WATR, also generates THDR in large quantities\\ Added in Me4502's Mod
Dissolves and turns into dust in water. Also dissolves in less than -100 Pressure. Very easy to burn.
Pressure Wall
Blocks pressure but allows particles