Luis filho
RECOMMENDED ENGLISH TITLE: Basics of electronics.
This mini course teaches the basic elements of TPT electronics and is aimed at TPT beginners or even veterans looking to improve their knowledge.
Let's start with METL, PSCN, NSCN
PSCN activates some materials such as: SWCH, PPIP, PCLN, LCRY.
NSCN disables them and does not conduct power to PSCN, nor does PSCN to NSCN.
Metal is a basic conductor that can be used to transfer energy from PSCN to NSCN.
It is possible to create a diode(A one way wire) by doing this:
X = Air P = PSCN N = NSCN M = METL
Here is what this looks like:
Spark the left, and it conducts just fine. Spark the right, however, it does not conduct all the way through.
NSCN cannot conduct to PSCN. That is an advantage of NSCN: You can make diodes.
With the INST it is possible to make advanced circuits, as it is possible for two lines to cross without passing energy to each other. it is activated with PSCN in the imput and NSCN in the output can also be used to activate ARAY in fact, and it is advisable to use the INST instead of other materials.
INSL prevents METL, PSCN, NSCN, other semiconductor metals and conductors from passing energy to each other without the need for two pixels to be spaced apart (nothing to do with coronavirus).
The SWCH transmits power only when activated. Use PSCN to activate and NSCN to disable.
DLAY is a programmable particle, to program it it is necessary the PROP tool. to use PROP select the TEMP property by clicking on the upper rectangle that will appear on the screen when the tool is selected then choose a number above 300 (the larger the number the longer it will take) and type it in the lower rectangle, then click on the particle DLAY . to activate it use PSCN in the imput and NSCN in the output.
WIFI is also a programmable particle that needs the PROP select the TEMP property and choose a random number then click on WIFI and place another WIFI do the same thing with it but put the same number. To use several WIFIs use another number.
ARAY does not need the PSCN to be activated but it is also activated by it. when activated it emits a ray of BRAY, it is advisable to use the INST to activate it, because only then BRAY transmits energy to the INST allowing BRAY to pass energy to the INST that activates the ARAY that emits BRAY etc.
I would like to thank if anyone has had the patience to read this far :)