BigDaddie is a 13 y.o. TPT player that loves playing videogames (except CoD, CoD sucks). He likes science and he is only smart in what he likes. His favourite person is Nikola Tesla, a Croatian inventor that created "Alternate Current" (AC), the light bulb and more. He is Mexican, and he hates everyone that makes fun of Mexico, he'll punch you in the face if you laugh at him. He is diferent from all the other stupid kids of this generation, he thinks in his future, not in $3x, he loves music, not the crappy one of today, he wants to be a director because he likes it, not because he wants money. He respects homosexuals, athiest, and every wierd person, but if they're mean with him... he treats them like crap. He has a small amount of friends, but those friends are loyal. He gets along with girls rather than boys (yes, he's heterosexual).Yes, I had to talk about me in third person (I'm a snob!). And this is who I am!