uhm well i have the source and ive modded tthe scr now i want to compile. i read the wiki and got the error no such directory exists after linking every thing and trying to run it
@marcus13345(View Post) I say try Code::Blocks, I've had too many problems with visual studio. Code::Blocks may have a bit more difficult setup, but it's easier to compile.
so in the create project part of code::block i dont know what to press like with the debug and release check boxes
step 1 project title: marmod dir: C:\Documents and Settings\User1\Desktop\marmod\ project filename: marmod.cbp resulting filename: C:\Documents and Settings\User1\Desktop\marmod\marmod.cbp ^ i got that part step 2 [check box] create debug config output dir object output dir [check box] create release config output dir object output dir ^ idk what to do here