Intro: This is a Modloader I made which reads a file called "mods" in a folder called "lua". At this point in time, do to my being tired and wanting to sleep, you must set up the folders and files, but I will add way more features in future releases.
Instructions: 1) Download the file from here and save it as "Modloader.lua". 2) Make a folder in your Powder Toy folder called "lua". 3) Make a file in the folder you just made called "mods.txt". 4) Add your lua mods into this folder(If any). 5) Open "mods.txt" and put the mod's file names in, each on its own line. 6) Every time you open Powder Toy, enter into console(everything inside the outer quotes, including quotes) "dofile("Modloader.lua")". 7) Enjoy! You don't need to dofile() every mod n_n
TO DO: -In-console mod adding, so that you don't have to modify mods.txt directly -Hopefully add in dynamic mod loading tomorrow -Down the road I may add a method mod makers can use so that users can reset all changes made by a mod to their current game session -And maybe more!