Powder Toy wont compile

  • rakosmanjr
    17th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I went through the tut, doing everything it told me to do, but when i go to debug it i get throne this: http://pastebin.com/MdrdQgWF

    I'm pretty confused to as where i went wrong, because i'm sure that the source code isn't this fractured.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • jacksonmj
    17th Jul 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    Try moving line 3312 in interface.c down one line, so that it looks like this:
    pixel *old_vid=(pixel *)calloc((XRES+BARSIZE)*(YRES+MENUSIZE), PIXELSIZE);
    viewcountbuffer[0] = 0;
    fillrect(vid_buf, -1, -1, XRES+BARSIZE, YRES+MENUSIZE, 0, 0, 0, 192);

    (the source code doesn't always work perfectly in Visual Studio)
    Edited by jacksonmj, 2011-07-15 10:10:38
  • rakosmanjr
    17th Jul 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Thanks for the reply, as far as i can tell that fixed that problem but now im getting another error:
    Edited by rakosmanjr, 2011-07-15 14:13:07
  • Simon
    17th Jul 2011 Administrator 0 Permalink
    Looks like you've copied a string with odd quotes in, look through the linker options in Visual Studio, check the Libraries option and replace any odd quotes () with the correct ones. (")
    Edited by Simon, 2011-07-15 15:05:00