PWPO- only conducts when high pressure PWNE- only conducts under low pressure
these are kinda cool and could be useful for some things. btw this also has my other things in it, such as the new temp saving system and element eraser and fireworks. i did not test this very well for any bugs, please tell me.
Quantum tunneling composite. Sad thing is, i didn't need to look it up...
Most people who create electronics wouldn't (but now can) use pressure as a variable for semiconductor conditions. Its just a little to hard to regulate and maintain as a constant.
Its a nice idea Cracker, but i dont know if it will take off, like your fire works creation seems to of
yeah, well; I know that you knew that I knew that I know that I knew that you knew about that I know about knowing about you knowing thing that i knew, i have now forgotten about what we were originally talking about and am just being an idiot spamming the thread...