So, I've decided to publicise this now, after I left my friend on it and found him 15 minutes later trying to beat his time of around 1 minute and 30 seconds, which made me think this could get successful I admit it's not very complex but that makes it all the easier to understand!
Rules and Tips for the game are explained in the save but having my own topic helps me break things down:
-Your aim is to get to the other side, via the photon bridge, where you will find badly translated congratulations meme and your very own glowing/flammable trophy. Feel free to shoot the photons you picked up on your way at it. -Getting over the bridge will of course mean that you have to "walk" on photons, a painful and dangerous task only the bravest of stickpeople can undertake. You have been supplied with our special lab-rats which have been modified and cloned to accept suffering and agony, so feel free to spawn unlimited numbers of these without guilt, but WITHIN THE TIME LIMIT, which happens to be exactly 2 minutes. -I suggest doing this level on a display view that glows, or the blob view. It's not necessary to see the photons by themselves, and can be off-putting -Keep jumping! Alot! Or you will fall into the fiery pit of nothingness and nobody wants to fail like that? -Keep eating! You don't know how much health those hot photons take off you! Plant is very nutritious and beneficial to your stickman's health -When you get there, don't relax, the upwards slope is very difficult to stay safe on and you need to plan a rebound to get onto the winner's platform! -If you get really good, you can open up an online stopwatch to get an accurate measurement of your completion speed. Perhaps you could use which I think is a brilliant timing site. -Post your epic times! Hmm... a wall of fame could be drafted up... if more people post their times...
Rest of the tips and information can be found in the save itself. Remember to enjoy and to post your time! (Mine is 0:57 right now) And tell me if there are any major problems with it.