Version 42 Feedback

  • Snitzi
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I've just downloaded the 42 beta and saw BRCK which I was very excited about.

    Well , as I see it it pretty much is Breakable metal with another color and not conductive. Bricks should start to melt at 3000 C , not 950-1000. The pressure point in which it starts to crush it should be way higher then BMTL, so we can see a difference in materials and have a better diversity.

    Other than that i didn't have much time to study and analyse bugs.

    Let keep the beta feedback in 1 threat.

    Edit by Simon: Use this thread for Version 42 stable feedback.
  • Dwotci
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    The 42 is awesome. I mean, seriously. But what is the Life measure? What does it mean exactly? The only element seeming to have life over zero is the lava left after a thermite explosion.
  • Felix
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    The 42 is awesome. I mean, seriously. But what is the Life measure? What does it mean exactly? The only element seeming to have life over zero is the lava left after a thermite explosion.

    I think it means how many ticks before the particle disappears.
  • Wilq15
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Fire too and smoke from fire it counts time before element disapear(This is simple explain).

    -,- /\
  • Dwotci
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Aw damn. I should've guessed. Thanks guys.
  • anqxyr
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Temperature detectors in signs are broken. Don't understand how YEST works. Everything else is awesome.
  • Wilq15
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Yes one problem with diesel if you want use it as normal fuel it burn like wood but it is good if you want use it as I(Engines, Rockets etc.)
    cause when ignite from pressure burn very well.

    Another thing yeast changes into DYST and won't grow...

    DYST is flammable :P burn nice.
  • TheDarkStar
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Yet another problem: THERMITE won't propel the lava outwards.
  • OniLink--
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    How about some source code? The front page doesn't have any way to download the source for the beta.
  • tutut125
    6th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i think the beta is great just a few glitches but they are minor! and anyone else realize under oil it says solidifys under pressure and when you pressurise it nothing happens?