I was thinking on This. Why not putting a Radioactive display by erasing Alternate velocity that i think most people here allways found stupid? It would get degrees from 100 (Red) to 10.000 (Violet, wich means purple) and there would be a RADIO option on the radioactive menu for creating radioactivity. Radioactivity would not have a negative, and would not low down in vacuum, but by putting gases, solids or liquids near to it, Radioactivity would appear to it, lowing down radioactivity from vacuum and making higher the one in "water" or something like, just like heat. please, say me if this is or not possible. i dont think simple colors would lag a PC with low hardware. And more one i almost forgot: Radioactivity over 100 would KILL Stickman.
@Mandfireguy(View Post) I don't think it is impossible, but I think it has been rejected many times. I like the idea of radio active values, but I can't see any real uses. Neutrons are a type of radiation. (In the state they are in, in TPT)
really, in this game particles are being more radioactive then radioactivity, but why not taking this out? and more: Neutrons does not stays forever, but radioactivity values do if you let it on vacuum. And even: with this they could even make something good: Deuterium oxide and plutonium would store it and when making a fissure... The explosion could be even bigger! They could store a minimun of 250 wich they would already have to a max of 5.000 for Plutonium and 3.000 for Heavy water. How making a even bigger explosion? by elevating the heat made and the pressure made. and, if even possible, THROWING some radioactivity away, a time radioactivity could not be vacuumed... it would make plants die and become DUST (and not wood) and stickman keep dying forever... some materials would be able to hold radioactivity, like Isoz solid. it would hold even more then enough, helping to make a good barrier.
You make a good point. If something like this were to happen, there would have to be a result from the radiation... This would become complex... Uranium would become thorium, which would further turn into other elements, of which are not present in TPT. Different radiations would have to be introduced. e.g. beta, alpha (Not gamma, because photons are good enough). Even then, there are ways to make explosions bigger. e.g. !set life DEUT 9999999 With a neutron, that will make a big explosion. Then ionisation would have to be taken into consideration, and that is more complicated.
Over all, there are too many factors to be taken into consideration. This would most likely only be considered when all the factors affecting radiation and all factors created by radiation are present... That won't be so soon.
huh.... sorry but... how do i set life from deut at max PT lets? and man, it does not needs to put so many things yet, do the changes slow, firstly the ones i said on a beta, if gets good promove to uploadable, and goes from there... Beta and alpha radioactivities would be representated simply by radioactivity. and more: It was a mistake letting heavy water to get a life a time it's not even ORGANIC.
And more: I know it would NEVER get out so soon... Not fully. :P and more: did you ever noticed that there's no melting form from plutonium yet? its because PT still doesn't supports more then 9875,15 C. ;)
@Mandfireguy(View Post) life isn't literal... Its just a way to set certain values. To set life of deut, enter (In the beta version you need to put a "!" but not in current full versions) "!set life deut 99999999999999"