pressure sensor "logic gate"

  • erwins_cat
    3rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    hi guys,

    i've created an adjustable pressure sensitive gate for electronics stuff. it conducts electricity if the pressure is below an adjustable value and doesn't if the pressure is higher.
    see here:

    (how can i insert the mini picture of my creation? )

    it uses breakable metal, which breaks at 2.5, and fans to control the pressure. in combination with a white hole you can easily build a chamber with adjustable pressure.
    after testing different fan strengths/sizes and using data analysing software i've determined an appropriate formula for calculating the transition pressure:

    P = 0.05 * S * R + 2.5
    S = 20 * (P - 2.5) / R

    P: desired transition pressure
    S: fan strength in units of blocks
    R: width of horizontal fan blocks in units of blocks

    the fan strength is given in horizontal units of "blocks" (use line tool to adjust the strength and count the No. of blocks ).
    the formula given isn't perfect. a better factor is 0.0473 but 0.05 will do the job in most cases.
    in the creation you can see two pressure sensors - one with 1 block width and one with 3 blocks width. feel free to play with the "test chamber".

    possible uses:
    engines and reactors are the best application i think (plutonium and uranium are pressure sensitive ;) ).

    i'm providing you just the very principle of the pressure sensor, so you can feel free to use and modify (and vote :D ) the pressure sensor if you want.
    *save pic added for you*
  • triclops200
    3rd Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    from now on do [save]<pic Id here e.g. 12345> [/save]
  • jma1111
    3rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    it is a cool creation
  • lolzy
    3rd Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I think that QTC should be implemented. It could allow current when under pressure. Just like real QTC.