I have recently noticed people tagging levels with inapropriate or unrelated things on my levels, such as on my level with a nyan cat army i recently removed a tag that said "f***ingretarded" and on my alternate brotherhood of saves logos level a tag i removed was "a*****es", i would like to try to stop this, or at least help this problem. P.S. sorry for language, just trying to show how far it's gotten
@user25(View Post) It's just people being immature, not sure if the moderators can do anything other than taking tags out of the game which they probably won't.
good idea, but i dont like to do that, most of the time tags people add are good, like on one people not me added "cool" "epic", so i would rather not, but great idea, thanks
thanks a million lockheedmartin, i will not delete tags anymore, i will post level on this page and say it has a certain tag, and if it's ok and doesn't get out of hand, i invite other people to do the same.