Need building and element development help

  • jamesoleruster
    28th May 2011 Member 1 Permalink
    Hey, I just started my own mod, and right now the coder I used was ConTEXT, and that doesn't have a application builder. The only element I have in my mod right now is HGAS, witch is like a solid heater in gassy form. I need help with making the CGAS, as I dont know what property makes the element conductive. Any help is appreciated!

    Also in my mod, I'm planning on putting all the hidden elements back on the menus they should be on.
  • Neospector
    28th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @jamesoleruster (View Post)
    Does the "c" in CGAs stand for conductive or cold? Because conductive gases...they don't work that well.
    Also, menus are in Interface.h under the title "Shenanigans" or "Cracker", I forget which.
  • me4502
    28th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    in powder.h in the part where you set its name, colour and other properties at the end before ,null put


    after TYPE_GAS

  • jamesoleruster
    28th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Does anything need to be added in cgas.c?
    PS, do you know of any C compilers?
  • vanquish349
    28th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @jamesoleruster (View Post)
    read the wiki it is in there
  • dnerd
    28th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @jamesoleruster (View Post)
    unless you want cgas to only conduct to specific elements, do not make a .c file for CGAS. this can also be done in sprk.c

    if this wasnt clear, no .c file means to leave the last category in the powder.h script as NULL
  • BlueAmulet
    28th May 2011 Member 1 Permalink


    Edited once by BlueAmulet. Last: 11th April
  • jalfor
    28th May 2011 Member 1 Permalink
    @gamax92 (View Post)
    That would be epic for n00bs like me who don't know how to code in C++ yet. I'll have to learn one day.
  • me4502
    28th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @gamax92 (View Post)
    not really needed