existem alguns erros no stickman e eu pretendo numera-los para serem corrigidos nas proximas atualizações. 1-ele atravessa solidos. 2-não temos muito controle sobre ele, o stkm algumas vezes não vai aonde voce quer. 3-não existe muito atrito entre ele e um solido. 4-ele não é atingindo pela gravidade. 5-quando ele esta 'nadando' e sai da agua ele pula muito alto. 6-devia existir uma sign da vida do stkm e stk2 '(l)'.
There are some errors in the stickman and I want them numbers to be corrected in the next updates. 1-he goes through solids. 2-do not have much control over it, sometimes not stkm goes where you want. 3-there is much friction between him and a solid. 4-it is not achieved by gravity. 5-when he is 'swimming' in and out of the water he jumps too high. 6-there should be a sign of life and stkm stk2 '(l) '.
@lucasbet(View Post) Ahha... the developers HAVE LIVES you know... DO NOT expect something to be fixed... they will decide wether or not its WORTH fixing...
@lucasbet!119154 Ahha... the developers HAVE LIVES you know... DO NOT expect something to be fixed... they will decide wether or not its WORTH fixing...
ignore him, he is just plain mean! but you could be nicer to mods and NOT be demanding.