1. Password protection. When you create a new save, the server gives you a password that you can give people or not. If you attempt to save someone else's creation and republish it, it will prompt you for the password.
2. Notifications. The server will let you republish a save, but the original owner will be notified and he/she can approve or disapprove your reposting of their save. If disapproved, it will be unpublished permanantly (but not deleted). If someone republishes the one YOU republished, the original creator will still be notified. This can also be turned off be the original creator if they don't care if people steal their save, so that they don't get spammed with notifications.
@gbnnn(View Post) Except, then can copy and paste it with stamps. Also detecting of pixels is harder then you think. I built a PHP script that detected colour of random locations, and it sees 4/10 stolen, which is 50% if you give or take 1. I'm working on it, but then there's the massive power needed to sift through 200k saves.