All I need to know now is how to test my code. How can I test code without doing any uploading? I just need a way to make sure my francium is working properly.
Once I know that I can make francium, since the public (1 person) gave their opinion on what it should be like. Extra feature I came up with: In order to have it extra radioactive and explosive, when a particle of it decays either by nuclear reaction or just spontaneously decaying by time, the decayed particle of francium will remain in the form of powder releasing radiation in the form of neutrons for about a second, and then if I can program it turn into radon.
What about melting? What melting point, if it melts? EDIT: Great, this got moved into another section of the forums, which is full of people making requests rather than programming them, now I get no responses. Btw, How can I test my code?
@lolzy(View Post) Yeah, but some moderator must have gotten mixed up, because this has been moved away from the Development area, meaning no one here seems to know how to test code. MOVE IT BACK PLEASE. Edit: Hmm, yeah, I guess I should have put it in that one in the first place. Thx for moving it. Thought: Wow, those moderators are fast.