
  • jload3
    15th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i would like there to be pages for powdertoy if possible cause i see alot of creationss like power plants and pictures and cities but when i want to find something in particualar all this other stuff is also there and makes it hard to find whaat im looking for and you could turn the front page tag list to page list if possible
  • me4502
    15th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Like a skip to page 10 or 7 button for example
  • jload3
    15th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    yes and no im hoping to get something like pages to putonly creations of that type like on the front page where the tags are written it should say thing like power plants and then click on it and a bunch of pages that only had power plants and nothing else or you could add someone as you favourite creator and that would show their creations
  • vanquish349
    15th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @jload3 (View Post)
    i think something like this is coming look at this just click on the link in that file
  • jload3
    15th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    it is this is gonna save me alot of time i hope wonder when it gonna come out