The Chemistry Toy

  • AWhiteGuy
    9th May 2011 Member 1 Permalink
    It seems to me like there has been more and more powders being named for specific elements of the periodic table and simulating the named elements chemical properties.

    For example: the introduction of the concept of IRON being used as an electrode for the electrolysis of WATR, though only one electrode with a current passing through it is needed to break down the H_2_O into H_2 and O_2 since TPT is only capable of creating an open circuit w/ a battery connected to it, in real life it requires two electrodes: a solid anode sitting inside of a liquid ion soltion from which oxidation occurs, and a solid cathode sitting in the same liquid ion solution from which reduction occurs. The oxygen is poduced from the oxidation and the hydrogen is produced from the reduction (though in greater quantity than the oxygen). This also requires a closed circuit from which electrons flow through the cathode before leaving through the anode. Though TPT's electrolysis is more simple and easy than how it actually works in real life, it does not allow for the separate gathering of the H_2 and O_2 like possible in real life.

    This issue and simmilar issues that are being brought in by the addition of new peridic elements are turning TPT into a Chemistry Toy, even if it is not entirely accurate. Is this a bad thing? No. My idea is to create either a separate toy similar to TPT but called The Chemistry Toy, or something along those lines, or to make a new menu in TPT that contains all of the particles in TPT that are a specific periodic element by name and chemical and physical properties. I can only imagine that programing this will probably be a tremendous burden as i do not have training in programing, however, my idea of The Chemistry Toy would, along with the elements, include:
    > a power source requiring a closed circuit for power
    > 2 different kinds of wires: one that carries a current away from a power source and on that carries it back
    > WIFI that has specific chanels and not effected by temperature
    > a heat source like fire
    > ice as a powder that floats above WATR
    > some sort of way to stur or move particles like through the rotation of positive and negitive pressures around a particle that increases rotation as it's temperature increases though it does not exchange heat w/ it's environment.

    Please let me know what you think (Though you don't need to be insulting if you intend to) and if you have any other ideas to add on by commenting.
  • Sylvi
    9th May 2011 Moderator 0 Permalink
    We don't want realistic reactions in TPT. Too much coding and we're not top paid employees, and not building a program needing supercomputers to run. Simplicity is the answer.
  • Neospector
    9th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @AWhiteGuy (View Post)
    Make a mod and do it yourself then, different currents requires new layers. SNOW could probably float on water, but the heat from the water melts it. Stirring and mixing elements would require a combination key for every single element there is, heated air is being talked about, and a closed-circuit is INST, which requires both PSCN and NSCN on either end.
  • AWhiteGuy
    9th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I understand the complications of building a program to do what you want, but look at how much we can already do on TPT, we can egnite flamable substances, trigger nuclear reactions, heat/cool substances using PHOTONS, chemically bind two elements to make one. This is version 47.4, TPT has come a long way since "Falling Sand" and the first version of TPT, I'm sure back then, what we have now seemed like a big load. Again this is just an idea, a goal i would like to see reached. Simplicity has it's limitations.

    This is why I had also suggested a completely new application similar to TPT. As I said in the original post, "i do not have training in programing" though I would very much like to make my own mod, so I thought i would suggest it to the professionals. I do not know what a combination key is and would appreciate it if it was explained.
  • Neospector
    9th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @AWhiteGuy (View Post)
    A combination key is a list of every combination possible and their outcomes. For example, in the source file neut.c the combination of NEUT+GUNP=DUST is read as:
    else if ((r&0xFF)==PT_GUNP && 15>(rand()%1000))

    This kind of code would be needed for every element+every other element if they were to be mixed.
    That means GUNP+BMTL, GUNP+DUST, ect.
  • Sylvi
    9th May 2011 Moderator 0 Permalink
    Simplicity does not have limitations. Everything can be simplified to a point where everyone can understand. Asking developers isn't going to work, unless you contribute code wise. We only have one team of developers, and alternating or splitting isn't going to work. We've came across the same thread idea awhile back.
  • AWhiteGuy
    9th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Neospector (View Post)
    I see. This would, of course, only be used for the the periodic elements in liquid or gaseous solution and some elements do not react in STP, and we do not have many periodic elements in TPT, only three periodic elements which none of those exist in the three main physical states of matter. The combination key would be useful for acctually smelting metals togeter to make, for example, BRNZ Bronze.

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)
    From a consumer's point of view, the more options, the better the quality, the more results, and the more likely it will apeal to more people. I have yet to recieve any training in programing but once I do I would be happy to contribute code wise.
  • randalserrano
    9th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I understand what you are saying. I too have been trying to implement ideas for TPT. Some of them already have been done through mods. (mercury for instance.) The problem is, TPT is already very slow as far as frames per second and the developers are trying to work that out. Also, there is a limited number of developers. So they can't really be bothered making a whole new version of The Powder Toy (The Chemestry Toy).
    if you are able to find some people to do this yourself, there are websites with all of the coding for TPT waiting.
  • AWhiteGuy
    9th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @randalserrano (View Post)
    Do you know any of the websites with the coding?
  • randalserrano
    9th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink