PLMA - Plasma, can absorb heat but does not transmit to any other element. Can only conduct from metal which is above 50 degrees. Has the same effect as lava has except it glows green.
LQFM - Liquid Foam - Basically foam, but liquified. Can be used to make insulated cooling systems. Liquid foam will turn to a solid foam at a temperature of -50 degrees and vice versa however the foam we have currently will be a seperate element and will not change matter states, as it is now.
AMAT - Antimatter, explodes on contact with anything other than photons and neutrons. Big explosion of photons.
FOIL - Frozen Oil - Simply because oil does have a freezing point and it would be very useful.
EHET, ECOL, ESPK (Element Heat, Element Cool, Element Spark These elements are yellow and perform a simple function, generate heat, remove heat and create a spark.
*CHANGES v2* PLMA Colour Changed LFME to LQFM (Thanks lolzy) Included FOIL Changed antimatter behaviour (Thanks Awesan)
*CHANGES v3* Changed LQFM to a different matter behavious (Thanks Andrewrox) Added elements ESPK EHET ECOL
hmm I think all of your ideas have merit, and I would second the ideas of LFME and FOIL, and possibly change AMAT to make a lot of photons (like what happens when matter and antimatter collide), and PLMA should absorb from everything, if its even possible, but the way heat values work, I don't think they will be, but I'm not sure. I think heat transfer is controlled by a universal function which I don't think can be changed.
I agree with the matter/antimatter comment, its annialition into energy that happens. PLMA I think it would be easier to control heat flows if it can only conduct from a metal. But at the end of the day its down to simon to decide what goes in and what doesnt. One thing I will say though is what should the plasma look like? I imagine it to be like lava with the fire effect, but a lime green?
I think they would be good additions, but I don't see why foam shouldn't change states. Also, photons are better than explosions (and they could cause one anyway if you wanted).
Because in most instances if you have solid foam on something you want it to stay solid :), but i suppose it would have a melting point in real life, so maybe it should. I didnt think of the photons, I think that would both work and look better than what I originally suggested.
I like the ideas. But 1. Why an 'E' in LFME I'd make it LQFM. 2. I believe the annihilations should cause photons because we need an element to produce them.