
  • Spacepope
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    For the very little time I've been playing TPT, I have noticed some odd stuff, wich are simply not realistic, and wich really annoyed the fuck out of me.

    1) Plutonium is in no way the combustible used in nuclear centrals. That is Uranium, wich IS fissible. The only time Plutonium is used as combustible is when it's poured in MOX, wich is made of 95% Uranium and 5% Plutonium.

    2) There seems to be no way of actually producing photons. That means that most lasers aren't actually no fucking lasers at all, since they are basically light amplificators via electronic radiation. That is very annoying for a serious scientist like me to see these ridiculous cloning tubes described as lasers. Just call them photon cannons damnit.

    3) Where the fuck on earth did you smoke up enough crack to think photons could be heated ? They're not even made of matter that you could possibly heat ! Once again, laser rays can be hot simply because the light inside it got amplificated enough times to excitate the electrons of the matter it hits for it to restitute the energy in the form of heat.

    4) Those so-called nuclear bombs are far too sensitive. There should be a very large pressure and heat requirement for fissile matter to be able to chain-react. Seriously, one single neutron can start up some heavy fuckery in a giant plutonium ball.

    5) You seem to interprete the highly ionizing effect of neutrons quite wrong. Neutrons can only change the atomic nature of VERY heavy atoms like Uranium and co, they can't in no way change the seemingly usual items in the game to other types of atoms. Actually, neutrons can only have an ionizing effect on light atoms, IE fuck up with their electrons and provocate chemical reactions.

    Obviously, I may sound to you as a newbie motherfucker being mad about realism and shit, and I would really agree with you that TOTAL and perfect realism in this kind of game is not really a priority.

    But on the wiki, I saw that the devs explicitly try to recreate and simulate chemical and nuclear reactions, as that huge periodic table attests.

    TL;DR : im mad :(

  • Simon
    4th May 2011 Administrator 0 Permalink
    You definitely mad.

    The game is a toy, there's no major rule of realism when developing the game, it's just a slight lean toward it. In fact one of the main reason why there is no periodic table of elements is because we don't want to suck the fun out of it by making it as realistic as possible, besides it being very difficult.
  • The-Con
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Spacepope (View Post)
    1) TPT isn't meant to be that realistic. changing it would also result in save breaking
    3)TPT isn't meant to be that realistic
    4)TPT isn't meant to be that realistic
    5)TPT isn't meant to be that realistic
    TPT just isn't an application that can be treated as a very realistic physics simulator, It is just really fun.

    Edit: Simon beat me to it
  • Spacepope
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    You definitely mad.

    The game is a toy, there's no major rule of realism when developing the game, it's just a slight lean toward it. In fact one of the main reason why there is no periodic table of elements is because we don't want to suck the fun out of it by making it as realistic as possible, besides it being very difficult.

    Doesn't change the fact that this game is fucking awesome yeah
  • The-Con
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Spacepope (View Post)
    Please use "****" instead of swear words... But yes, TPT is awesome
    (TPT has some young people in its community, and those words can be... inappropriate.)
  • BudCharles
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    1) I wish they had've thought about that in the first place, but, too late now.

    2) Heard of PCLN and CLNE??

    3) How else to make lasers?

    4) It would break saves.

    5) Tell that to n00bs who think NEUT should turn STNE into URAN!!
  • randalserrano
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    By the way, photons do emmit heat. if they didn't the earth would be lifeless.
  • JH-Darkfire
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    No, photons carry energy which gets converted to heat.
  • The-Con
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Photons are energy that is converted to heat, and other energies. So instead of having photons have no temperature and randomly make something heat up, photons carry heat. I would think of it as concentration creating more heat, although that can be achieved through just putting more than 1 photon in a single spot.
  • JH-Darkfire
    4th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Photons technically aren't energy in particle form, but in wave form they're electromagnetic radiation. They are the governing particle for the electromagnetic force, like the graviton to gravity, Higgs boson to mass etc.
    Note: this is all from my head, so correct me if I'm wrong.