Feature Film Trailer - Language Warning!

  • um3k
    27th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Hey guys, this is way, way off topic, but I wanted to share with you the trailer for a feature film I've been working on for the past five months.

    WARNING: FOUL LANGUAGE! Do not watch if you are sensitive to cussing, or are around someone who is!

    The Long, Slow Death of a Twenty-Something trailer on YouTube

    I am the co-cinematographer and VFX artist. We are quite proud of this film, and are going to enter it into the Sundance Film Festival if it is ready on time.

    Thanks for watching!
  • lolzy
    27th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    wow. For the budget I'm geussing that you had to work with, that is very nice. Some good scripts in there too.
  • um3k
    27th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Thanks, lolzy! You guessed right, we had a minimal budget--most of the money was spent on tapes, the rest on food and light bulbs--and none of that was official budget!

    I'm a relative newcomer, but Larry, the writer (and director, lead actor, and editor), has been at this for ten years. He's proven his writing ability time and time again, my job is simply to make good visuals. And that's a job I'm happy to have!