DEUT should be renamed deuterium but keep its properties. It could be made out of BOYL and NEUT. A new element HVWT (Deuterium Oxide) should be made and it acts like DSTW. It could be used to cool nuclear reactors. It is coloured similarly to deuterium and is made by deuterium plus oxygen. One way it is different from distilled water is that it has more trouble conducting heat and makes a better cooler and also takes life away from STKM. It can also form from DSTW and NEUT.
Okay, it's just that Deuterium Oxide is heavy water so DEUT should be renamed deuterium. It is now hydrogen with an extra neutron. BOYL is like H, so BOYL+NEUT=DEUT. Simple. Heavy water should not decay in to neutrons. It is used to COOL nuclear reactors.