this came to me yesterday when I was reading my science book, It is said that "at the very centre of a black hole there is known to be a singularity". Curantly, singularity will quite happily eat away at black hole as if it were any other destructable matter. My suggestion is what if, when you feed black hole singularity, It would get stronger and stronger untill it reaches "tpt" max negative pressure and heat.
uses uses include as folowed:- -new ways to increase negative pressure. -makes black hole a more of a dynamic/flexible element to use -new heating systems -a more managable way to delete singularity, without explosions or unneccesary life increasing by accidental means
I know that when black hole sucks stuff in it gets a bit stronger, but what i'm saying is that it becomes so strong that it, in turn, will have the same vacume strength as singularity but in a solid.
this is only a modification that I thought could be handy and conveiniant as I know Simon is not looking for elements, but reactions to go with the curant ones.
@beta(View Post) the reaction should be completely the oposite, the more ANAR absourbed the more positive pressure created. ANAR is perfect because it contradicts positive pressure as negative pressure, so it'll traval towards positive pressure (white hole)
I dunno weather the temp should decrease/increase however. @shroom207 thanks.
Interesting... WHOL absorbing ANAR would be awesome, and possibly cool down, since it is the opposite of BHOL + DUST which heats up. Another thought from catelite is that ANAR should burn with cold flame, giving more use for cold flame, and goes along the idea that ANAR is the opposite of dust.