My gates and a mysterious bug/glitch

  • HolyExLxF
    26th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Decided to post my versions of the FF gates, my amp gates, and an interesting bug that I came across.
    It seems that if you coat a block of particle-allowing (yellow) wall with metal and attach an input at the right spot, it will amplify the signal.

    A 3 x 3 block of metal covering a piece of the wall yields a 3:1 amplification, while a 4 x 4 block yields an 8:1.

    Just thought I'd share.

    EDIT: solved the finicky 4 x 4 block problem; just needed an extra pixel of conductor hanging off the edge. Also, testing with other conductors yields the same results (NTCT requires PSCN to transfer current to it which necessitates a PTCT-NSCN break in the input wire to prevent backflow).
  • Aizria
    26th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Freaky, but useful! Here's a mod I did of your particle wall amps:

    The interesting thing is that I removed most of the metal and they still work!
  • HK6
    26th Aug 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Please add credit to him in your version.
  • bchandark
    26th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    If it's fine, I would like this bug not to be fixed.
  • Aizria
    26th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh, right. Sorry, I didn't think about it because I kept it as a private save.

    EDIT: Fixed. Now published so that others can search it and has very prominent credits. Good, yes?