It would be great to have an element transfer heat (almost) instantly. Metal is pretty fast, but it melts and it could be much faster still. I don't know what the name should be, but I suppose that's not the main problem.
Ifi it would become a problem, say you're trying to make wires that heat something up as well as conduct, then use 2pix of diamond around the metal then use copper. Done Properly it would only be 5pix thick
lol i did the heat values for all but the newer elements... metal is copper in all attributes, including melting and heat transfer, in fact it was on this basis we got all the other heat values. unfortunately, that is the fastest any element can transfer heat (the way he has the variables set up).
actually copper is very good at conducting heat, at 0.385 J/(g·K) (with water being 4.1813 and iron being 0.450, the lower the faster) and that is what metal is set to. notice, the melting point of metal is 1000 and copper is 1083, a relatively small difference. (yes, I did a lot of calculating to get all the heat values = real life values, and no, I do not have a life lol). so there is no point in adding a COPR element... you already have one :), what you need is a IRON element.