May be some colours should be changed? For example: why acid pink? I think it should be acid colour (lol, i mean bright yellow-green). Also C4 shouldn't be pink too, think better it will be white (but not so white as wh) I know you will say that you are accustomed to these colours, but I think that it will be more correct to change them.
Also i know that i can do it manually to myself, but i suggest to make it on the "official level"
check for PIXPACK(0xsixdigithexvalue) inside the particle definition. If you want it for yourself. I think the official version should use the current ones, they look good.
I know quite a bit about colors, including the fact that (additively) "yellow" and "green" makes 80FF00. Also, I think that instead of having an element creator, you could have an element combiner which averages the properties of selected elements and has a 'created element' library which lets you combine created elements with regular elements (as opposed to combining three elements) and lets you use your elements in uploaded creations. I guess if you wanted to do that, you could just do it on oe-cake (but you can't make electronics :)).