
  • Z0MG1337H4X0R5
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i thingk gasoline would be cool. it would do these things:

    (1). if exploaded in confined space it exploads extremely fast.
    (2). if set on fire while falling is continues falling while on fire until it burns out.
    (3). high/low pressure does nothing to it.
    (4). low temp does not freeze or do any thing to it.
    (5). high heat (like around 400-500 degrees)will burn it.
    (6). it could soak into some elements.
    (7). it has a yellow-ish color.

    those are my ideas. if u have any plz post them.
  • jdh97
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    good idea
  • alexthesax
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    and the fumes that it creates could just be the gas we have now.
  • SerGreen
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    It will not be so unique and usefull. We already have oil and nitroglycerine. They are almost the same.
  • pilojo
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Must you always be so negative SerGreen? He's trying to give an idea. Every time I see you post from a new element you try to get it to not go in PT.

    On Topic: I think gas would be a good element.
  • TheDarkStar
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Well, maybe it could kill STKM if it touches him (due to toxicity).
  • SerGreen
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Oh, i almost never negative and almost always support new ideas. I myself have suggested ~ five elements, and even more supported... but unfortunately they were rejected
    And in this case is even more not my opinion, but "what will the programmers say". I am of the opinion "the more elements - the better "
    But if gasoline will be confirmed, i will be glad But i still think not much chances

    P.S. Hmm... Can you tell me what other elements i was trying to get it not go in PT? (Just interesting how often i doing this )
  • codefeenix
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Please use the element suggestion thread for new element ideas.
  • SerGreen
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    What i'm doing
    Btw, in this topic i love almost all ideas
  • Rconover
    19th Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Gasoline doesn't burn very much, it vaporizes (now gasoline fumes) in the cylinder and then ignited for a combustion reaction.