Do you believe in ghosts?

  • shroom207
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Who here believes in ghost?
    Btw the first one is fake but the animation they used was amazing but its hard too here so turn it up on full blast.
  • code1949
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    No; ghosts are mere figments of a humans imagination a persistent psychological desire to know that there is life after dead. As far as I'm concerned when you are dead, the only living things that you interact with is the microbes that devour your corpse.

    But that's just my opinion.
  • The-Con
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I agree about the ghosts ( Imagination). I havn't completely blocked out the possibility of ghosts however i'm more relient on scientific explanations, which is almost always given. ( I am religous however I look to science for an explanation before i look to religion)
  • shroom207
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    did you watch the videos? How old are you? Ok but watch all the tapes. On the first one have your volume all the way up its very hard too hear. >_> The evp is >_> But the 2 videos in between the 2 videos in the middle are ghost pictures maybe you guys should watch ghost hunters more ghost are real if you dont believe me go here and look around too Why would a mom and dad lie and fake these photos here there christian too. >_>
  • vanquish349
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    stop b***s****ing it isnt even that scary
  • code1949
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Do you how effective saying a place is haunted is at drawing tourist? People tend to make lots of hoaxes for money.
  • shroom207
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    watch the 2 videos in the middle and then go here these arent tourist locations there pics taken bye regular familys. Yeah guys explain too me why i was vacuming one day for my chores.My power cord just flew outta the ******* socket and the cord is 40 feet long and i was 10 feet away from it. it was not tangled. Knowing a guys gf commiting ******* suicide there is fucking nice huh.You guys/girls must of never had a experience bye the sound of it.Or how my mom was doing a rain dance and a hour later its started too rain it was clear skies the weather man said it was sunny she did this constantly and it kept happening.Then the bad luck happened from doing black arts she was homeless living with a friend of hers for a while then her car stopped working. As a matter of fact some of the thing on are videos and not pictures know you cant fake a video.
  • The-Con
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    ( my age is irrelevant but in my profile)
    Yes i watched them, i didn't say i didn't believe they existed (I actually had a ghost experience in the house i grew up in whitch was 60 years old, history unknown... it had a fire or something.) I watch a lot of ghost documentaries because they are interesting, but you must realise that even the most convincing experiences have been explained ( other than distinct visual experiences). For those that live in Australia, Perth you would have gone to the Fremantle prison, There are lot's of ghost story's. eg. the faces in the glass, or the guard tower. Apparently no one has been in the tower since it was opperational, because guns were turned on guards without any one to lift them. ( I always remember the odd experiences, continuing even to the present, when i think about ghosts and something moves or I twitch, as if i was trying to kick something or punch something.) ... fun times. WARNING to children, trying to communicate with ghosts may be harmful physicaly or psychologicaly. ( when i get into this type of topic, I have a lot of opinions)
  • shroom207
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Well where i live in hawaii for the past hundred years or so.People have seen this weird creature near the volcanoes i have saw it too.It looks like a blob like creature but its made outta lava its a blob of lava and people have seen it killing animals.Evan big foot and chupacabra and the jersey devil are still paranormal creatures hey um.Wanna listen too hell?
  • HeyJD
    1st Mar 2011 Member 0 Permalink


    Why would a mom and dad lie and fake these photos here there christian too. >_>

    Yeah, Christians believe in spirits, But not ghosts. Spirits are kind of like the devil's followers. Just like how Angels are Gods followers.

    EDIT: ok in your post above, Now your just getting crazy. Just stop worrying about it. We either discuss it or not. We don't fight over who's right or wrong.