@alexthesax yes im working on that, im trying to find a way to wire it so its sortof like a 40 input or gate with four outputs, but i realized that that would mess with the charge so that all four outputs would have be (1111) even when the input set that is on is showing (0010) see what i mean?
@HeyJD of course i know this, but i gave credit and changed his creation, the processor is still his, but the SSD belongs to me, and from what i know, it isnt stealing if you change whatt you think needs to be changed and give credit.
unfortunatly the only way I could think of to improve so you don't need 40 inputs you would need firstly make your ssd much smaller and making a directory implementer to change where the information goes.
ok i finally succeeded in wiring it up properly so that the SSD outputs go into the processors inputs, so now you can save commands, and stuff like that :)