This is just a simple timed SPRK repeater that I made using an FF and a tube of saltwater: Linky It takes one spark and then repeats it about 6 or 7 times. Hope someone finds it useful.
thats pretty cool, but i made a driver that i originally made to replace the one in Simon's dot matrix, but then i used it for making an LCD counter...
I didn't use the battery switch because the switch had problems turning off, but the switch element protruding from the left side with the diagonal metal and NSCN allows only one spark to go through, until the current accumulates, gets to the bottom and it runs up the NTCT and reactivates all of the switches. Also, when it gets to the bottom, it turns off all of the drivers (little current holder things).
sabreman lol, no sorry that LCD is totally my own creation. I felt quite proud of inventing it by myself. However I did take inspiration for the lookup table from mrlegoman, but I put the NSCN transfer particles actually in the intersection of the PTCT and the NTCT instead of below left of the crossover...
It seems we have a problem. The lookup table, despite having a version of it built completly by me, the design was taken from another person, And i only added it to my super small Display. I Post and edit as soon as i figure out who.
Edit: Woops, Its not me, Or anyone else, Its Sabreman! So dont give me any of that credit.
Who are you addressing? If me, then mostly Ubuntu 10.04LTS and iOS 3.1.3 and occasionally WinXP or WinVista. If kamikai, then, he appears to be using Win7, possibly Vista. If someone else, I have no clue.