I am fairly decent, but not an "advanced" user, like sparkjet said. But... search for stuff you need and use saves of them if you can't build one yourself, but give credit to them. Then, just go by logic, For electronics, step by step, and think of what will be happening.
BTW, nitro and a spark on metal don't go well. The nitro explodes. makes for a good spark plug.
just fiddle around with all the lectronics to learn what they do then look at others stuff to see how they fit together then you have a vague idea of how to do it and you just work from there
Your whole question is vague and uninformed. Your best bet is to read up on binary arithmetic and logic gates. Also, look at other saves and try to figure out what a single part does. Work your way up. To make things like clocks you WILL need to spend time and effort on making it...
all you need to be able to do this is to be able to make a simple 10 bit counter then a six bit then another 10 bit another 6 bit then a 24 bitand your done you would need a display and a timer though.