Gamma laser ?

  • Teiiiodu08
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I have see some creations with gamma laser, I tried to combinate red filter + blue filter but it dont works.
    Help ?
  • floridarolf
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    what do you mean by gamma laser?
  • Teiiiodu08
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    It's a pruple laser colour.
  • zentini
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    just heat the filter and it changes the color of itself and the color of the photons
  • Dragonfree97
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    R = red filter
    B = blue filter
    O = empty space
    P = purple photons
    C = clone
    W = white photons

    C W W R O O O P P P P P P P P P
    C W W O O O B P P P P P P P P P
    C W W R O O O P P P P P P P P P
    C W W O O O B P P P P P P P P P
    C W W R O O O P P P P P P P P P

    Best explanation I can come up with :/
  • Teiiiodu08
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok dragon, gonna try that xD

    EDIT Don't work =/
  • Candunc
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    It is a makes purple, but it doesn't work that well.
  • ClaymoreTF2
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm got it!
    I'm edit my Beam Laser To Gamma Beam laser.
    Check my saves. ;)
  • Teiiiodu08
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Got it !
    How ?
    Just sepparate Red and Blue filters with 3 Pixels.
    My lasers:

  • andrewdavidloftus
    6th Feb 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    As the maker of the original gamma ray laser, I will tell you how I did it... XD
    - Use PCLN as the Photon Emitter
    - Put the PCLN pixels in rows (however many you want in a row), with black hole in between
    - Put Filter in front of each row, at least 3 spaces of dead space in between the PCLN & Filter
    - Make the rows of Filters 2-3 pixels long and spaced 1 pixel apart
    - Make sure that the Filter is not touching anything, especially the other rows of Filter
    - Heat/Cool the PCLN to make a certain color...

    *Note different amounts of different colors of filter can make different tints and shades. For a true purple laser, use 2 blues and then 1 red and then 2 blues and then 1 red and then 2 blues: If you use red/blue/red/blue/etc. you will get a more pinkish color.

    Here is my (the original :D) gamma ray laser:

    You are using a technique to place 2 lasers on top of each other, one red and one blue, but if you use two lasers next to each other, then you can make a darker shade, making it less of a pink and more of a purple. But still, +1 for figuring it out yourself :)

    Good luck making lasers! Hope this helped! XD

    P.S. Thx for noticing my gamma ray idea, I never thought it would catch on.