Most of those were from you and no one wants them.
blur display-use blob display gravity-NO NO NO! It's been suggested 100000000000 times before. READ THE WIKI! Drag-TPT already has air drag. Wind-use fan.
no i dont want to use fan because it constantly blowing plus i want something like danballs wind that blows in a straight line instead of air that blows all around wind would just blow one way
He means, Streamlined air. Due to the powder games method of coding and how wind and pressure work, its completely diferent from Powder games. However the powder game's pressure and wind system is much more accurate. In TPT the air pressure will slowly return to an ambient pressure while in PG's the pressure remains constant and will not return to an ambient pressure 0f 0 which Is much more accurate. TpT's is not as accurate
Yeah, TPT has streamlined air, too. TPT was originally designed as an airflow simulator, the fact that pressure slowly returns within contained areas was deliberately coded that way. :P