Hello this is a topic for what you would like to see with stick man ONLY.Plz dont get off topic and talk about glitches and bugs(4 tht i have made a thread in help forums) or uploads or diff. simulators (besides powder game but dont talk about any of the above things about ) . Plz & Thx.
But any ways, enough w/ the rules(i kno it seens like alot but ive seen threads tht go completely off topic it ruins the thread), if u have played powder game (like tpt but diff elements and online game) the stickman jumps hi-er(<wtf ima bad speller) and he/she(lol) is more stable. The tpt stickman is fidgity and shaky and seems like he/she(lol again) is avoiding the elements. If you have not played powder game try it out and tell me if u like it(i love it) and btw the stickman is called player in powder game. Also feel free to talk about powder game and any question u have about it(oh yah.. last thing, powder game or pg is originally a japanese web site so english button is on the top right corner and some sentences wont make sense).
Tht is all and thnks 4 looking
If u have any questions or ideas feel free to post!
Off-top guys. On-top - I would like to see the stickman have better control. He is a bit rigid at the moment. I would also like to see his health drain a little bit slower. It rushes down at the moment.
@savask If you want it, just say it. @lolzy I agree, he just runs way too fast right now. Maybe he should start running faster the longer you hold the arrow key down.