Element descriptions

  • Dragonfree97
    25th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Okay, the element descriptions are messed up in some places.

    e.g. NTCT:
    "Only conducts electricity when hot. (More than 100C)"

    Spark some NTCT - it conducts. Heat to more than 100 - it conducts.

    What is with that?
  • Merbo
    25th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Conducts doesn't mean will accept spark, it means it will take it from NSCN or PSCN.
  • Catelite
    25th Jan 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    The electronics are complicated. You have to mess around to figure some of them out, even with the short descriptions.
  • darknut
    25th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I think that every element should have a tutorial explaining its uses, and all of its capabilities...and it should be included into download...
  • JoJoBond
    25th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    NTCT will always receive spark from NSCN no matter how hot it is.
    NTCT will always give spark to PSCN no matter how hot it is.
    NTCT will always receive spark from NTCT no matter how hot it is.
    NTCT will always give spark to NTCT no matter how hot it is.
    NTCT only receives spark from PSCN when its >100°C.
    NTCT only gives spark to NSCN when its >100°C.

    PTCT will always receive spark from NSCN no matter how hot it is.
    PTCT will always give spark to PSCN no matter how hot it is.
    PTCT will always receive spark from PTCT no matter how hot it is.
    PTCT will always give spark to PTCT no matter how hot it is.
    PTCT only receives spark from PSCN when its <120°C.<br />PTCT only gives spark to NSCN when its <120°C.<br />