Perfect Orbitals

  • Rconover
    21st Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I have officially created orbitals using Radial mode.

    More information on this gravity and radial mode can be found here.

    So what I did was I made a "moon" around a core of STNE

    I put a particle of Thunder on the tangent side of a fictional circle, I unpaused the simulation and particles flew everywhere

    Some particles were too fast and flew out of the simulation, other particles were too slow and fell into the center

    once I had identified the orbits of particles that were fairly stable and circular, I removed the Core, and the particles began to drift inward.

    They soon became asymptotic and stopped flowing inward and here you go you have this.


    What you do is, you Load this simulation, pause it, reload it, and press W to turn on Radial Mode, and then unpause it to see the magic unfold.

    The particles will fall inward a bit, but then they will begin to drift outward again to their original orbits
  • Pilihp64
    21st Jan 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    not the first, there are plenty of saves with orbits, and they aren't hard to make.
    but still cool
  • Rconover
    21st Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    dang nabbit

    Well at least I am the first to calculate for these, check the link to the other thread, I calculated for Centripetal acceleration.
  • webb
    21st Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    nice, but crackers right ur not the first
    i like copying them then pasting them in the same orbit(but dif positions)
  • Raw
    21st Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    heheh, i got really excited about the gravity mode additions
    it's the same thing pretty much, most heavy powders achieve this.