2) No double, triple, etc. posting. The only exceptions to this rule being: the ability to "bump" your Help or Development Assistance topic 1 (one) day after your previous post if it does not yet have an answer/solution, the ability to "bump" your Creation topic 1 (one) day after your previous post if it has been updated or modified, and the ability to "bump" your Powder Toy Mod topic 1 (one) day after your previous post if it has been updated or modified. If you "bump" your topic outside of these rules, your topic will be locked. 7) Please make your topic title relevant to your post. Do not name your topic anything like: "Hey Look At This Thread", "WHY?", "Bug", or "My Creation". 15) All element suggestions go in the new elements thread.
...Yes, please don't post new elements in bulk like this for new threads unless you have a long detailed explanation of how they're going to work x_x Post in the new element suggestions thread