
  • driftit86
    17th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Everyone feel free to post your engines here.
    heres one of my older ones. check my saves for all of mine.
  • sparkjet
    17th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    well, there is quite a collection... i'll post just a few. LoadSaveBlock(99631); LoadSaveBlock(47608); here's a ye olde one: LoadSaveBlock(30092); here's two of my oil engines: LoadSaveBlock(109700); so... yeah... thats just a few
  • driftit86
    17th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    LoadSaveBlock(126583); Turbo Version
    LoadSaveBlock(126163); naturally Aspirated model
  • driftit86
    17th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm making a 16 valve dohc turbo engine right now and i will post it later tonight.
  • sparkjet
    17th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    here's my latest one! LoadSaveBlock(123500); some noob thought it was too hard so they nuked it lol
  • driftit86
    17th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Not bad at all sparkjet, I like how you use a fuel tank rather than clone, I'm trying to work on some fuel injectors that use portals and a tank, Its being difficult and fuel is distributing unevenly
    here my 16v engine I had to retain the small exhaust ports to keep the back pressure high so the fuel would ignite properly. I tried using spark rather than creating arcs for spark plugs. I will convert this to arc sparkplugs so the fuel is burned properly.
    Also , do you guys think I should incorporate some sort of speed control, I can start working on something like that for these styles of engines.