Please can people in my saves stop talking about other things that's for the random comment thread it means people get drawn to that and not comment so please stop it it's getting anoying and it then turns to you swearing I'm sure lots of people have this problem. Infact people I want banned for doing this and then posting horrid tags and comments. Sharazard Dragonfree97 All these people are commenting and somtimes swearing on my posts and on my creations CAN SOMEONE DO SOMTHING ABOUT THIS MY CREATIONS ARE GETTING A BAD REPUTAION BECAUSE THESE IDIOTS ARE TAGGING HORRID THINGS ON THEM!!!!!!!
You actually have a generally bad reputation. Most people are quite annoyed by you(and posting this won't help, it will only get you banned). Take the advice I posted in your Alien 57(or whatever it is) and put it to good use, before you run out of chances.