Hi guys, I figured I would stop by and show you what I have conjured up for a motor.
Its features:
Cooling loop for motor, A Cooling loop for oil, ISOZ is substituted for OIL (Portals are used through, each has a corresponding channel.) Idle Up Circuit (This controls valves and Spark Plugs.) Steam Switch (This Controls the on and off state of the motor and reads whether the gas tank is full.) O2 Sensor (This regulates the Carb and is based off the exhaust flow, it has 4 seperate channels for each exhaust valve.)
I would also just like to brag over the overall design, it has took me the better part of playing with TPT for over 6 months and looking around the community to see what has been done and what hasn't. I think what I have reached here is my best work ever. Its not as complicated as the Calculator, or LCD's I've seen but it does just the same, by proving functional.
I would like to thank Cracker and his mod, as well as the other TPT users and admins for making this Simulation as cool, fun and real as possible.
As the Scene says you are free to use my concepts please just don't copy my exact scene.
@Candunc I'll see what I can come up with in the coming week, also I'm not sure how to hook up a generator to this. Think what I'll do is use the exhaust to drive a small turbo with detector. Now that you mention it, I think I might be able to make Single,Double,Triple Phase Power Output. Anyway I will try to see what I can come up with in the next week.
@Candunc Okay I have this is the best I could do, This is the smallest motor I could build considering the Constraints of pressure, heat and breakable materials.
It has 3phase power output, a fully functioning cooling loop, and my smallest on/off switch I could make for the motor. The only thing I had to cheat on was the air intake. I could not make a fan wall small enough to generate the pressure I needed. So i used the Pump particle instead.
Oh one more thing also. This motor is free to use, all I ask in return is an honorable mention.
Other users out there feel free to stop by and check out my motor and show me your concepts. I'm open to new idea's. Thus the reason I thought my design was Revolutionary to a degree.
@sparkjet I understand this may become the complaint of some user's. What I do is some what cheat in my motor design by seperating the gas tank from the actual fuel source in the motor. Also the Diesel in the Motor Generator is more or less just for looks.
So to make this less confusing. There is a Clone element in the motor with the fuel that will be used. The gas tank acts as the control whether or not the motor circuit is complete. The gas tank also determines the overall run time of the engine.
I hope this clears up your question.
Also if you think you can make an engine similar to mine that uses actual fuel injection I encourage it.
oh, i see. funny thing is that i was thinking of using that concept in one of my previous engines but i just used portal to get the deisel into the cylender instead. EDIT: i just noticed that somebody voted down yet AGAIN. why?