the next step in tech

  • lucasspencer123
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I have just completed the alien 57 x computer with a few high settings for my self. this computer is the continuation from the old intel ALIEN 55 and even higher than the alien 56 or 55x . the only way you can get the edtion atm i have only made my one but i wil sell it for 0 votes so not too cheap but just vote 0 one 0 of my creations and you can recive the alien via conversation.
    the specs are listed below.
    processor intel mimpro pro v2 boost edition
    memory 44 byte ram non aray non sectioned
    cache 8 bit high end micron cache
    igt standard 7 bit wifi decoder and vga controller
    screen 21 bit 3 by 7 screen
    wifi n advanced decoder
    wifi reciver standard reciver 4 chanel
    technology size 5 cm
    speed 0.004 hrtz
    hardrive 22 byte fxd non resetable hardrive
    number of graphic senders 3 wifi
    case flashing heat sinq case
    ports 2 usb with manual read button on chip vga and cd
    cooling standard water cooling
    keyboard standard keyboard
    mouse standard touch pad
    chipset high end micron 3

    clubs such as ptec ptt will recive free ones for high and advanced technological abilties

    i also offer the dell mini 40 and dell mini these a smaller slower less powerful computers running the 4 bit and 3 bit processor with low cache and ram.

    alien mini has a wifi reciver and 2 bit decoder mimmicro processor no cache no graphics 2 bytes of ram and 4 byte switching hard drive it only costs 1 vote it also has a mini usb 2 bit.

    alien mini 40 contains 8 bytes ram mimpro micro 16 byte harddrive 7 bits of cache one usb 8 bit inpu at the top no wifi,screen or graphics decoder. costs 1 vote but is larger and slower than dell mini
    link LoadSaveBlock(119054);
  • plead-for-destruction
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    wow nice one looks interesting i will think about it when i finish my mod alot of work going on...(compile errors)
  • lucasspencer123
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • Charzy
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Pics or it doesn't exist.
  • Cr15py
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Agreed. This kid claims things all the time which are impossible, makes electronics that do nothing and claims they're computers, and makes posts like these without any links. Also, your grammar makes me want to break your arm.
  • MiXih
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    your alien 55 is gay
  • Cr15py
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • Diissaster
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • Charzy
    16th Jan 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    + Twinfinity.