Hi, this is sort of like super_mario's bomb challenge (with my awesome bomb) but this one is a little more detailed and harder to complete.
CHALLENGE: Create a bunker that can survive at least 2 of my 3 ultimate bombs -which include- 1. LoadSaveBlock(110131);
2. LoadSaveBlock(113385);
or god forbid: 3.LoadSaveBlock(114815);
if it can survive 2 of the small/1 big OR 1/2 massive bomb then you win!
RULES: STKM/STKM2 MUST be alive after the explosion has cleared for at least 10 seconds. You cannot use CLONE,DEUT,WALL,DIAMOND,PUMP or any GOL particles. At least 10% of the bunker has to still be alive.
DUE DATE: when i give up on testing or when this thread goes dead. and please dont necro-bumb this after it is dead unless you KNOW yor bunker can survive it.
@yew101 Well, have your tried out mine? more than 90% of the bunker survived, even massive version, or even two of it As what I said there's no way to survived the pressure attack without walls