The intel mimpro processor one vote alien 57 costs 6 votes Alien 56 costs five votes Alien 40 pro v mini costs three votes Intel i9 dual core 0.02 htz processor two votes Splice ram costs one vote per 32 bit Splice code reset hard drive requiring intel mimpro pro cost two votes per 8 bit cache requirement Intel mimpro pro costs one vote plus sub card USB and wifi decoders cost one vote Intel 7-21 bit screen and graphical wifi screen cost one vote High end micron cache cost two votes per 2 bytes of encoded processor intel high mod encho 3 chipset with free mimpro pro costs 2 votes you need to buy ram trompero processor fastest costs 3 votes which includes 12 bits high realiabily small sized micro cache with intergrated dual memory controler running dual cores and sercurity built in larger but better can processor 10000000 in 1 sec or 1hrtz
All these prices can change if I update or decide there to expensive if you would like any of these pieces say which one you would like in the replies I will contact you via conversation using a link if you have anything else you would like up here just ask sorry for not having pictures i couldn't upload them if you want the link i can only do that if you want to buy them sorry