hey guys ive made an rpg called mining island, its an island where lots of mining goes on, there is another island next to it called war island, and they sometimes start wars with mining island .There are ranks that you get placed on you start as a trainee and move up in rank when:you win comps, come up with good ideas, be with the group for a while and gain trust, dont be racist and dont swear,dont double post and have fun and use gold.
UPDATE:currency added,its called gold(haha)you get gold when:you are nice,win contests,Rank up,when you join you are set with 50 gold.
Just ask me how much gold it costs to rank up for your rank.
You can use gold to:rank up and to get new armor and wepons to use against war island(more uses for gold will be added later).
WEAPONS:here is the weapons store where you can buy weapons with your gold here are some pistol:10 gold shotgun:25 gold rifle:50 gold bazooka:100 gold bow and arrow 75 gold knife 5 gold (more will be added soon)
ARMOR:here is the armor store where you can buy armor with your gold here are some chest plate:50 gold bronze chest plate:100 gold silver chest plate:150 gold gold chest plate:200 gold (more added soon)
BANK:now there is a bank and you have bank accounts no one can get your gold exept you here are the bank accounts
bank account petrol:50 gold bank account UBERNESS:50 gold bank account Plead-for-destruction:50 gold bank account allstarTYACorner87:70 gold bank account coolguy28116:50 gold bank account jhon001:50 gold
leader:me(petrol) leader general(attacking bodygard to leader):no one yet general:UBERNESS commando(attacking bodygard for general):Plead-for-destruction commander:no one yet gunner:allstarTYACorner87 troop:coolguy28116 trainee:jhon001 retiree:no one yet
COMP: come up with a great idea for the mining island or war island such as cranes or something, the winner will go up a rank.
here is mining island:LoadSaveBlock(109718);
if you want to join just ask and say what you want your character to look like and you will be placed on the island in the next update.
i have now made war island and they have stoped attacking cheak out new mining island its better and has now rebuilt and there attack ship has landed back at war island here is war island:LoadSaveBlock(109757); any ideas for war island will be great.
Well you would usually start as a trainee but seeing as you are first to join you can be gunner you need to work your way up to general and what do you want to look like