RC 1 : TSRS TSRS = Temperature Sensitive Resistance TSRS do not exchange heat with other materials, set its temperature with HEAT/COOL. When the temperature of the material it was touching is higher than itself, it's conductive; if lower, it's non-conducting.
RC 2 : TC TC = Thermocouple TC do not exchange heat with others in SET mode, exchange heat in WORK mode, turn to WORK mode by spark with PSCN, NSCN for SET mode. In SET mode, set its temp. with HEAT/COOL. In WORK mode, it act similar to TSRS, when its temperature is higher than the temperature set in SET mode, it generate spark (this was called Thermoelectric power)
RC3 : yet another TC TC = Thermocouple TC exchange heat with others, and continuously generate sparks if its temperature is higher than 0K/-273.15C. But only WIFI that have the same temperature (100C apart) can receive the sparks it generated. Using it, put one pixel TC next to what you want to detect, then hooking up some WIFI with different temperature/frequency around. As normal distance a spark can pass through, you can place 19 WIFI around at maximum.
PECM = piezoelectric ceramic PECM do not conduct heat neither. Set it's temperature with HEAT/COOL, 1C~1Pressure, just like PUMP. When the temperature of environment is higher than the pressure(temperature) you've set, it generate current(spark).