Anyone knows how to seal TTAN

  • help_what_im_doing
    6th August Member 0 Permalink

    Anyone knows how to seal TTAN since im trying to make a highly-pressurised tank of butane using its chemical formula of C4H10, When i just build a TTAN tank of my butane and pressurize it it looses pressure even if i make a giant square of TTAN and pressurize the middle, Thanks in advanced.

  • username90000
    7th August Member 0 Permalink

    Change TTAN tmp to 1

  • MachineMan
    8th August Member 0 Permalink

    Or you can use RSSS without having to set the tmp.  TTAN is easily dissolved by ACID and lets pressure pass when sparked, while RSSS is immune to ACID and blocks pressure at all times, but is destroyed by protons.

  • phox
    8th August Member 0 Permalink

    press G to view the pressure grid, if you follow the guidelines of the grid the TTAN will seal pressure

  • help_what_im_doing
    11th August Member 0 Permalink

    im trying to make a tank of butane not a bunker @MachineMan and i have no clue how to change the TTAN tmp @username90000 and what the hell are the pressure grid of TTAN? @phox

  • MachineMan
    11th August Member 0 Permalink

    I never said you were trying to make a bunker.  To set TTAN's tmp, either press the ~ key to open the console and type "!set tmp ttan 1" without the quotes, or use the property tool abbreviated PROP.