Custom Element glitch.

  • powder_is_epic
    8th May Member 0 Permalink

    So uhh my custom solids all seem to like "move" when i put them near NGRV, PGRV and GRVT (i think thats the abbreviation for graviton) So like uh what??? Like i kinda created movable solids on ACCIDENT????? i am so confused rn

  • creator_of_fail
    10th May Member 0 Permalink

    Are you completely sure you gave it elem.TYPE_SOLID?

  • powder_is_epic
    11th May Member 0 Permalink

    yeah i am so its like weird

  • creator_of_fail
    11th May Member 0 Permalink

    Can you paste your code here?

  • Hecker
    24th May Member 0 Permalink

    Make sure weight is 100.